About The Maker

Wedding and portrait photographer by day, leatherworker by night! I'm Brian Storey, the hands and heart behind Storey Leatherworks.
My journey into leatherworking began with a deep appreciation for handmade leather goods I would see growing up in boutiques and maker spaces... The  material and endless possibilities enthralled me. From that moment on, I embarked on a quest to create usefull, intentioanlly robust handcrafted leather goods that tell stories of tradition, artisanship, and individuality.
In my tiny little gnome cave of a workshop, every piece is a labor of love, meticulously crafted from gorgous hides and infused with a blend of traditional techniques, modern innovation, and a healthy slather of late night enthusiasm. Whether it's the aroma of tanned leather, the feel of a tool meeting hide, or the satisfaction of a perfectly stitched edge, each step in the creation process resonates with my dedication to quality and attention to detail.
I find inspiration in the heritage of leatherworking, drawing from centuries-old methods while infusing my creations with modern flair. From ruggedly refined wallets and sturdy belts to bespoke bags and personalized accessories, each piece carries the hallmark of authenticity and exceptional craftsmanship.
Beyond the leather and tools, my goal is to craft items that become cherished companions in life's adventures—a reliable shoulder bag for daily commutes, a durable wallet that ages gracefully with its owner, or a personalized gift that speaks volumes about thoughtfulness and craftsmanship.
Join me on this journey as I continue to explore the art of leatherworking, striving for perfection in each creation and sharing the passion that drives me to transform hides into works of art. Thank you for supporting handmade craftsmanship and for being part of this meaningful pursuit.
Let's create and celebrate the timeless allure of leather together.
Warm Regards,

Brian Storey
Storey Leatherworks